Friday, January 7, 2011

some nice things for my girl

a little tee and knickers set for gracie....

Tee and knickers set

also made her doily bunting for her room but it's not hanging up yet so here's a horrible photo of it on the dining table instead:

doily bunting for gracie

it was a bit scary chopping those doilies in half let me tell ya. i had horrible pictures in my head of them just falling to bits before i could sew them in to the binding. they didn't. it was fine. i made bias binding out of grandmother's flower garden by japanese fabric manufacturer lecien. i love the process of making binding. i find it extremely satisfying.

delicious handmade bias binding

and now i am drinking lovely red wine, eating nice chocolate and being a sloth in front of the computer. enjoy your weekend peeps.


  1. The bunting looks lovely, I wish I had the patience for bias making

  2. I have been collecting doilies for some time now with the intention to make some bunting...but, the fear of their loveliness falling to bits once I take to them with scissors, have left me passive. But, after seeing your gorgeous bunting, I feel a little braver! Here goes...

    (P.S) Love your blog! Keep inspiring!
